segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

Prayer Campaign: Day 16

Praying for Brazil
"This is why it is said: 'Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you'." (Ephesians 5:14)

This week we are praying for missions...
And for Brazil, the time is now!
Maybe this is the great time to launch ourselves in missions.
For now , in general , Brazilians are well received around the world . We have to enjoy it while we Brazilians are loved worldwide .
In our country , we have to pay attention to all this movement . Every day , more and more people becoming interested in changing the country, fighting for their rights .
Here or out there we must seize this moment , to be light. The word of God teaches us that before we were darkness, but now we are light ... And the fruit of the light consists in all goodness , righteousness and truth . See Ephesians 5:8-14 .
Pray for missionaries awakening in our country !
Pray that grow in the heart of every Brazilian the desire to fight for less inequality , both in Brazil and the rest of the world.

Pray that , in Brazil , more and more people are inspired in the early Christians, who were happy to share everything they had . ( Acts 4:32 )

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