segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

August 24th

Numbers 11:1-15

How many people, do you know,who are so blessed, but they never feel satisfied? People, like the Israelites, who are not able to see God. They feel as if God doesn't listen to their prayers... 

People who use to say: "-Oh, no matter if the one I desire to look like is even an unrighteous person, oh my God, why do I pray and nothing happens to me?"
 How many  people are longing always for things they don’t have? What a weariness! 
Imagine for God! Imagine how many things He has prepared and delivered to us? And do we recognize what He did? Or are we remembering something from the past and only past brings us joy?
 How many couples have difficulties because of ingratitude? 
For children, other children’s parents are the best!
 For parents, other children are better!
Many people live like those Israelites:  live longing for the past, live longing for Egypt. What is Egypt for us? 
Egypt is our past! Just as the Israelites left Egypt, a land where they were strangers, toward a better land, to a land prepared for them. So are we.
Now, we are saved! We are walking towards heaven! Think about you before Jesus! You were in Egypt! 
 Then the text says that people began to complain about the food.

 God sent manna, but they wanted the fish, onion, garlic, cucumbers, leeks, watermelon ... If you eat these food at lunch, you will remain burping them for the  rest of the day ... Imagine these people working together, under the sun ... These foods should exhale through the smell of the skin! How were they able to stand?
And God sent manna ... Manna could be turned into cake. With the manna they produced flour. The manna could be worked. Garlic, onion and watermelon can't be turn into flour . 
God gives us the best every day and we insist on missing something there in the past…
 Why? Why do we give so many opportunities to the past in the present? Past is to remain in the past!
We need to do some cleaning in our mind .. 

 On verse 4, the text says that a bunch of foreigners, a rabble, was living in their midst ... A bunch of foreigners who did not edify the Israelites... They were not good company. 
We need to think about the foreigners around us… Why do we allow foreigners to live near us? Who are these people, how they influence us and how we influence them? 
And places… 
 There are, as well, attitudes, we have to depart from our character! 
We must avoid thoughts  and negative influences that still prevent us from being happier!
What and who makes me homesick for Egypt where I  have lived?

Stay alert! You cannot prevent a vulture flying over your head, but you can prevent it to come and build a nest in your hair! 

Look at the situation of Moses, from verse 11 to 15. God raised him as a leader of that  unwise people. He was bored but he had to intercede for the Israelites. 
How many times are we  Moses of someone? 
Sometimes it's so hard, but if  you are light, if you are in the light, do you think God will put you in the middle of more light? 

 And, who is your leader? Who is taking care of you? Who is your Moses? Who is your mentor? 
Do not isolate yourself! Seek help!
 See that God is always working in groups. Even in pairs! 
God deals with the individual inside a group. At the same time, He takes the opportunity to teach the group.

- God is the only one able to turn nothing in everything! He is the only one able to transform for real.
 - God is merciful in a special way that He does not despise anyone. Because even someone despicable can be transformed. He is capable of this transformation.
-Ask God to deliver you from longing for the past, to become a better leader and a better person to be led. 
-Ask the Lord to give you a grateful heart. To give you an obedient heart. A heart of God.
God Bless You!
From Ana.