Each person has a specific call. Those who are born again received a spiritual gift from the Lord.
The reasons why the Lord distributes spiritual gifts to every Christian.
The Lord´s desire is that you grow up, improve daily until your character becomes as perfect as Jesus´.Getting mature you will not be deceived by false teachers and false speeches.
When a christian grows up in the Lord, all brothers grow together. Every part of the body is equally important.
The beginning of the journey.
Dependence of mature Christians to start learning about God.
Beginning of independece feeling, but help of leaders is very necessary to correct misconducts and to learn principles.
Time to read the Bible and study it. Time to take decisions.
Greater independence, but without responsibilities. Less dependence on christians and more dependece on God.
Mature enough to face challenges, to leader and take care of ministries.
A good sign that you grew up is the way you make decisions...
Are you doing things in accordance with God´s plans?
Are you living the right season of your life?
A summary of the message shared by Ana
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