domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Just for fun

Google Translator: You are using wrong!
In the restaurant 

 (Grilled Tenderloin)

 ("Farfalle ao sugo" is an Italian expression. "Farfalle" is a pasta shaped like a bow tie or butterfly.  And "Ao Sugo" is a sauce prepared with lots of tomatoes, onions and herbs that must be boiled for a long time until it gets really red and concentrated, but liquid enough to be sucked.)

 ("Hunter´s Chicken" is also a classic Italian dish. Maybe, abroad, it receives another name. History tells us that it was prepared by women while men went to hunt. So, the wives prepared it to wait for their hungry husbands. To prepare it, you take the chicken pieces, brown them in a skillet with a little oil, and after you take them to the pan. Doing this way, the chicken skin stands firm. Many people dislikes cooked chicken because of the flaccid appearance of its skin after cooking. A nice tip isn´t it?)

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