domingo, 12 de março de 2017

March 11, 2017

Paul really cared about people and how they were in faith.
It´s very important to encourage each other in faith!
We must care about people´s needs in general but to strengthen each other in faith is very important!

We are the ones to preach and share the gospel all over.
So, as brothers and sisters, as church of God, we must care about faith.
We must take care about each other! That´s why we are together, united in the services.
We must feel important individually but considering that we are part of a body that works fine if all other parts does it well.
Stop looking inward and try looking outward!
Love for real your brother! Love for real your sister! Say that you need them, and really mean it!
The Holy Spirit can enable us to love this way, to love as Jesus loved us.
Sometimes it´s difficult to express this love. We are different, with different personalities.
But an unfailing way of showing love is to pray for each other.

Stay united!
In the midst of the church we will grow in faith, in wisdom and will be sustained.
Inside the church we find people to rejoice with us and also to cry with us.
Let´s search for this love set on the love God has for us.

(Free briefing of Pr. Poliana Vasconcelos´preaching.)

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